Remotes – Remotes – Remotes are a big part of what we do in the garage door business. Call Martin for all of your transmitter needs. Residential, commercial, garage doors, gates. We sell thousands of remotes for all types of door and access usage.
Garage door remotes come in all shapes and sizes. Mini remotes are especially popular these days because of a crime wave that’s sweeping the nation. Vandals are breaking into cars and stealing the garage door remote and the registration. The registration has your address and the remote gets them into your house. The answer is a mini-remote that you can hide or keep in your pocket or purse.
Garage keypads are also a type of remote. These are mounted on the outside of your garage and are another way to get into the house without your keys. Very convenient and very secure.
Gates also use remotes. If you live in a community with an HOA, you will often have a gate and we can provide remotes that you can use. All you need is the type of remote and the coding instructions from your management company.
When you purchase a remote, we also supply programming instructions. Programming your remote can be a daunting experience if you don’t have help. If you bring your old remote into our office, we can often program the new remote for you while you wait. Or we can send a technician to your home to help you with additional remotes, keypads, or we can program your cars to work your garage door or gate if you have the Homelink system included with your vehicle.